Best Face Mask Elevatione - There are too many face masks on the market, of various shapes and materials. Currently, fans of face masks are also not only women, men have started using these face masks so that their facial skin looks bright. As we already know the best face masks are divided into several types, namely in the form of paste, peel off, mist, and sheet masks.
Actually, the best face masks from natural ingredients are traditional recipes that have been found since ancient times. Natural masks have more good content for the skin and are certainly healthier, here are the best natural-based face masks that you can use at home.
Strawberry Mask
Strawberries have been proven to contain a lot of vitamins that are good for the body, the vitamins in question are vitamins C and E, both of which are needed to brighten the skin. Strawberry masks are safe for the skin because the ingredients are not too harsh for sensitive skin.
Here's how to make a strawberry mask:
Puree ¼ strawberries, mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour and 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt, then stir until smooth and apply to the face. Wait for 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
Banana Mask
Acne is often annoying, well there is a natural way for acne-prone facial skin with bananas, just like strawberries, bananas also have a lot of vitamins contained in them. The highest content is potassium, this mineral substance serves as a shield against free radicals, suitable for young people who are still active. Banana fruit can be one of the best face masks for facial skin.
Lemon and Cucumber Mask
The benefits of cucumber in addition to the benefits of lemon are rich in vitamin C, this best face mask can help you help brighten your skin and make it smoother and more supple. Here's how to make a lemon and cucumber mask. Combine 3 tablespoons of cucumber juice and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir until the solution is yellow in color, then apply it on the face using a cotton pad just like using a toner. Let the natural face mask mixture absorb for about 15 to 20 minutes rinse using cold water.
Avocado Mask
This delicious fruit is packed with vitamin E and antioxidants. Both can help nourish dry and dull skin, making it look brighter and glowing. How to make an avocado mask is quite easy, please follow the steps below. Pound ½ avocado until smooth, if there is also mix 1 tbsp plain yogurt and stir until smooth. After that apply evenly on the face and wait for 15 minutes then rinse using warm water.
Egg White Mask
One natural method to get the best face mask is with egg whites. This recipe may have been passed down through generations and you can combine it with other ingredients such as honey or oatmeal. Organic egg white face masks are rich in protein and can shrink pores and seal in oil in the skin. The skin will feel firmer and acne-free. Besides acne, egg whites can also be used as a natural face mask for dull skin.
How to make an egg white mask as follows, beat the egg white until foamy using a fork until soft. Take the foam, and apply it to the face evenly, then let stand 20 minutes until the egg white dries, remove the egg white face mask using a towel that has been soaked in warm water and then rinse again using warm water until clean.
Hopefully the tips above can be useful for you, good luck.