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Youthful Skin

Youthful Skin Elevatione - Staying young has always been the dream of many people, even though with age many people do not want to look old. That makes many people want to compete to do ways to have youthful skin.

So if you want to have a youthful face, you can follow the ways of people who really maintain their youthfulness.

Getting youthful skin is actually easy to do, and it doesn't even cost much to maintain.

Youthful skin tips

  1. Stay away from junk food

Junk food is usually served instantly and the ingredients used are also sometimes instant. This food is indeed a lot to like, especially our country in Indonesia. But for some people junk food is a food that is highly avoided, for the reason of wanting to keep the skin of the face always tight.

  1. Increase consumption of vegetables or fruits

The substances and ingredients found in fruits and vegetables have a lot of vitamin fibers that are good for the skin. Plus, these vegetables and fruits are low in fat and make one's body healthy. Nuts are also believed to be the best food to avoid aging.

And many people also consume legumes such as soybeans.

  1. Using protection on the skin

Sunscreen or commonly known as Sun Screen does have a very good effect on the skin, it also helps to keep the skin young. Sun Screen helps to fight the effects caused by sunlight, especially now that the effects of global warming make sunlight not as healthy as it used to be.

  1. Gentle massage for the face

Gently massaging the face feels like you can do every time after cleansing the facial skin. Try massaging your brow, cheeks, and forehead, which helps to improve blood flow and make your face look fresher.

  1. Drink green tea

Many people believe that drinking green tea can slow down aging, because tea has a very high anti-oxidant content. Drinking tea regularly can also be done at home, how to get green tea is also a lot because it is available in supermarkets.

Obtaining skin moisture is easy if we are diligent to apply and pay attention to it. Moisturized skin is one of the characteristics of youthful skin, get moisture by applying moisturizing cream with unquestionable quality.

Protecting your body and skin from hydration should always be kept in mind, and drink enough water and eat fruits or vegetables. With plenty of water, you can achieve youthful skin. Good luck